Friday 1 April 2011


Soo guyss what is grunge?For those of you who is still unfamiliar with this word may thought that this is just a fashion terms I heard somewhere..... TRUE! It is actually better known as a music genre long before the fashion term kicks in. Grunge's history began in the late 80's with the rise in Seattle based band like Nirvana (with the handsome Kurt Cobain as the lead singer and guitarist), Soundgarden, Mother love Bones, Screaming Tees and many more. Eventually, grunge was used to describe the carefree, murky style with the usage of flanel shirt, torn, faded and baggy jeans, ratty T-shirts and old boots (Dr. Marten's boots is still acceptable. 
this is Kurt Cobain's hairstyle

From these pictures, I hope you can get the grunge look. The point of this style is to stay away from the fashionable up to date "fashion world". So in short, grunge style is formed by the rebellion against this "fashion world". In grunge style, the older and the rattier, the better. You can use torn shirts or even old military boots bought from second hand shop.  You can also use checkered pajamas to be worn during daytime. Messy, bedhead and unkempt hair will give you the complete look. Create many layers with this style like layers of shirt covered with another big flannel shirt is suitable. 

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